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Price guide for a single person at bondiheadshots studio


1 shot   = $240

2 shots = $370

3 Shots = $490

4 Shots = $595

5 Shots = $690


Additional Retouching = $50 per shot


All photo sessions include

- Introduction & consultation 5 -10 mins

- Time in front of the camera 5 - 10 mins per shot

- Hi & low res magazine quality retouched image

- Maximum retouching time per image 20 min 

- All pictures shot on the day un-retouched in low res

Image delivery is Airdrop to your Mac device, or sent via a Dropbox / We-Transfer link to your email

Price guide for groups at bondiheadshots studio

Group individual studio

1 person  =  $240

2 people  =  $370

3 people  =  $490

4 people  =  $620

5 people  =  $740

6 people  =  $850

7 people  =  $950

8 people  = $1050

9 people  = $1150

10 people = $1250


After 10 people the price will incrementally get cheaper


Additional Retouching = $50 per shot


Ideally, it’s best to have no more than 5 people in the bondiheadshots studio at one time. On occasions this can be beneficial for team morale.


Alternatively smaller groups can be staggered in intervals throughout the day.


Each persons favourite shot will be selected as they finish their

photo session.


Also at this time retouching notes will be made from each persons selected images.

The retouching will be completed in 5 to 10 business days from the

completion of the shoot.


All group sessions receive

- Introduction & consultation 5 -10 mins

- Time in front of the camera 5 - 10 mins per person, per shot

- Maximum retouching time per image 20 min 

- Hi & low res magazine quality retouched image

- All pictures shot on the day un-retouched in low res

Image delivery sent via a Dropbox / We-Transfer link to the group coordinators email


To make a booking please

Price guide for groups at your office with bondiheadshots

Group individual location

1-10 people $150 per person - includes studio lighting and retouching


11 + people $120 per person - includes studio lighting and retouching


Minimum booking is 7 people


Additional Retouching = $50 per shot



All group sessions receive

- Introduction & consultation 5 -10 mins

- Time in front of the camera 5 - 10 mins per person, per shot

- Maximum retouching time per image 20 min 

- Hi & low res magazine quality retouched image

- All pictures shot on the day un-retouched in low res

Image delivery sent via a Dropbox / We-Transfer link to the group coordinators email


To make a booking please

Price guide for team shots with bondiheadshots


1  shot = $200 for the first person, then $50 per person up to 5

2 shots = $350 for the first person, then $45 per person up to 5

3 Shots = $470 for the first person, then $40 per person up to 5

4 Shots = $580 for the first person, then $35 per person up to 5

5 Shots = $680 for the first person, then $30 per person up to 5


After 5 people the price will incrementally get cheaper


Additional Retouching is charged to an hourly rate of $200 an hour



All group sessions receive

- Introduction & consultation 5 -10 mins

- Time in front of the camera 5 - 10 mins per shot

- Maximum retouching time per person 20 min 

- Hi & low res magazine quality retouched image

- All pictures shot on the day un-retouched in low res

Image delivery sent via a Dropbox / We-Transfer link to the group coordinators email


To make a booking please

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